Window Glossary

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There are currently 4 names in this directory beginning with the letter U.
U-value (U-factor)
A measure of the rate of non-solar heat loss or gain through a material or assembly. It is expressed in units of Btu/hr-sq ft-ºF (W/sq m-ºC). Values are normally given for NFRC/ASHRAE winter conditions of 0ºF (18º C) outdoor temperature, 70º F (21º C) indoor temperature, 15 mph wind and no solar load. The U-factor may be expressed for the glass alone or the entire window, which includes the effect of the frame and the spacer materials. The lower the U-factor, the greater a window’s resistance to heat flow and the better its insulating value.

Weather-resistant material placed under vinyl siding panels.

UV (Ultraviolet light)
The invisible rays of the spectrum that are outside of the visible spectrum at its short-wavelength violet end. Ultraviolet rays are found in everyday sunlight and can cause fading of paint finishes, carpets and fabrics.

UV reflection
The percentage of ultraviolet rays being blocked rather than being transmitted through the window’s glass unit. The higher the number, the lower the percentage of ultraviolet rays being transmitted through the window.